September 8, 2011

Besucherin und Planung

Wow, my how the time has FLOWN!!! I apologize for not keeping up with this blog over the summer, but I have been incredibly busy. Here is a recap of what has been going on stateside haha: Big family trip to Texas and return trip up through St Louis, Chicago, and Milwaukee and got to see two Red's games and a White Sox game. Then a Recruitment Workshop for my Sorority Phi Mu. Finally I bought my plane ticket to Munich and booked my Hostel in Salzburg.

Like I said it's been a crazy busy summer. Recently I have been doing a ton of planning and shopping preparing for the trip. The planning has brought along numerous mini panic attacks because I can't do certain things until the day before I leave. I took a look at my tickets today and noticed that I don't have much of a layover in Chicago or Heathrow, which I'm hoping will not be problematic. We also finally got our dorm assignments! I'm in Haus Humboldt which is a great dorm and everyone loves living there. I am really looking forward to this trip and starting my life in Salzburg.

As the title states Visitors and Planning, my grandparents from Texas are visiting for the next few days. I am so excited that we get to visit before I leave the country and my brother starts his freshman year at the University of Cincinnati. As for the Planning, I am always planning something for the trip.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the Hostel that I'm staying in the week leading up to my move in to the dorm  plays the Sound of Music film daily and has a tour in which you can walk in Julie Andrews footsteps through Salzburg. I will totally be taking that tour and doing some touristy things when I get there.

Do you have any suggestions of things I should do while abroad??

Here's the link to the Hostel I'm staying at :-) 

Here is a link to the dorm.. I'm trying to find a better page but this is all I have found so far..

Hat ein Schönes Tag!!


16 Tage!!!

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