January 24, 2011

Where Did January Go??

Hallo everyone! Right, so it's January 24, 2011.. Where did the month go? It has completely flown by and I'm afraid that the rest of this semester, and year for that matter, is going to go just as quickly if not quicker. This is what I wanted though..Right? I do want this semester to end but I don't want to leave my friends/school just yet. I was looking at my calendar the other day and realized that in just under 7 months I'll be moving home for the month before I go to Austria.. SEVEN MONTHS! Three of those I'll be in school, the other four I'll be working my butt off so that I can have a little money while being abroad..

On a higher note, It's been snowing on and off everyday for the past couple of weeks! FINALLY! My mom keeps joking that while I'm overseas that I'll experience the mildest winter that Austria will have seen in years, while back home they are getting blizzard after blizzard. I really hope that does not happen.. But I would probably die of laughter because we would have been right!

It's time to get back to work.. Class that is..

PS. This is a bit random but being the Movie Fanatic that I am, where is a good site to find international film release dates so that I can catch some films that I'm looking forward to but will be out of the country during their US release dates..

Haben eine schönes Woche!!


244 Tage!!

January 13, 2011

First Week Of The Semester

Hello all, hope your week is going well. Mine has been pretty hectic. Classes began on Monday and it has gotten crazier everyday. My professors are all amazing, minus my Second Year Field Experience professor. She literally spent have of the first class talking about her character in Second Life. I would have been much more into the discussion had she been about a level 50 Pally with a horse and cool armor. My professor for Education in a Pluralistic Society is a fabulous mix of smarts and humor of Will from Sanctuary and Dr. Daniel Jackson on StarGate, and suave like Indiana Jones (when he's a professor). I wish that I was taking a German course this semester. It would bring some sanity into my life haha. I was really excited that one of my classes didn't require a book, but then one of my professors added a book. There goes my hopes of saving a little bit of money this semester. 

Well this semester has great potential. Especially once I start my Study Abroad course in March :-D

bis dann



January 4, 2011

New Year, Time to Get Excited!

Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a great New Year. We had our traditional good luck meal of Bratwurst and Sauerkraut, plus one Black-eyed Pea haha. I can't wait for this year to truly begin. Once classes start time will FLY by. I have so much going on it's going to be crazy! 19 credit hours to take plus traveling. I am going to do a lot of traveling before heading to Salzburg. Hopefully for spring break I'll be heading down to Texas to visit my grandparents, and I'll be going back to Texas for the Fourth of July. I love flying and can't wait to fly there. First, however I've got to survive the 19 credit hours I'm taking. Since I'm an education major I've got to complete 70 in class observation hours. 70 is a lot! None of my fellow classmates have taken that many unless they are in methods. Well I'm on a  mini-vacation home for the next few days and can't wait for classes to start in the morning.

268 days!!
