November 10, 2011

Reise von Wien

Sorry for the lack of posts! It's been a crazy few weeks here with school and traveling. I am updating with two, yes TWO, new posts about Wien und Praha! Enjoy!

A few weeks ago we took a weekend trip to Vienna. Pretty much it was heaven! I loved every minute of the trip. We were there for a total of three days. Friday-Sunday. We took a lovely Charter Bus and had a blast on the way. Here is a recap of what all went on.

On Friday we left around 9 in the morning. We drove to a Monastery called Melk. It was GORGEOUS! The Baroque art/architecture was Epic there was even a library there that looked just like the library in Beauty and the Beast!
Me infront of Melk

Just one amazing pic of the Library

Later we arrived at our hotel Wandl. It was Gorgeous, I know I use that word a lot but how else can I describe a borderline 5 Star hotel with a spiral staircase. I felt like a movie star there haha. Later that night we explored the city and had a great dinner of pasta and Eis.

Saturday we toured the city. We got to see Palaces, Demel (fabulous chocolate shop!), Art Museum, Stephans Dom, and Saturday night we went to the Opera! We saw Salome. It’s a fairly short Opera, only one Act. Our seats weren’t the best but I could have cared less. I was going to finally live my dream of seeing an Opera. I AM IN LOVE! I want to go to more Operas. It’s a Musical on Steroids. Not a musical per say maybe a Play on a much more dramatic scale. The music and songs were amazing and moving. I was on the edge of my seat the entire show. Well I was standing because you couldn’t see the stage from my seat, but it was still a fabulous experience. After the Opera we went to a café that originated the Sacher Torte. The most delicious chocolate torte I have ever had! Highly recommend it if you go to Wien!
Stephans Dom

Any Harry Potter Fans? Buckbeak was at the Dom

The dress is made out of ALL chocolate!

Making the Torte

Rachel and I on Monet steps leading to an Art Museum

Summer Palace in Wien

The Opera

Balcony Seating

The Best Chocolate Torte Ever! Sacher Torte

Sunday we left early in the morning and went to two castles. Schloss Schönbrunn and Scholss Belvedere. We went to Belvedere first. It is now an art museum. I love art museums haha. I currently have a new favorite artist as well. Gustav Klimt. My favorite piece by him is the infamous “Der Kuss” (The Kiss). I liked it a whole lot more before the curator explained the meaning behind why it was painted the way it was.. But I’m not going to let that ruin a perfectly beautiful work of art. My interprutation was better in my eyes haha. Schloss Schönbrunn was GORGEOUS! I wish we could have taken pictures on the tour. I wouldn’t have mind living in this particular castle/palace. Very elegant. The colors of the rooms and furniture just screamed luxury and royalty. I was in love haha. A friend of mine who is into photography took several pictures of friends and myself outside in the garden.. I love them all haha.
Schloss Schönbrunn

Poseidon Fountain

Jump :-)

The group

Walking down the steps 

That in a nutshell is Vienna. I loved every moment of my time there. While it was short it was spent exploring and having fun!

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